After eating a certain way for years, shifting to a healthier and more wholesome diet can feel like a challenging—even impossible—process. We’re here to tell you otherwise!
Eating healthy and well-balanced meals is often associated with tasteless food sacrificing or starving yourself. This is absolutely untrue. In fact, opting for more servings of whole foods and healthy fats is linked to sustainable weight loss and improved overall health.
Here are six habits you can live by to include more healthy foods in your meals:
1. Opt for High Fiber Starches
Cutting carbs entirely can be a good way to lose weight and feel healthier, but there are some types of carbs that our bodies need to stay fit and healthy.
Instead of avoiding carbs altogether, choose them wisely—opt for the ones that contain resistant starches. They break down very slowly in the digestive tract, making you feel full for longer. Great examples include cooked potatoes, whole grains, plantains, and green bananas.
2. Eat Healthy Fats
Healthy fats in avocados, nuts, fish, and seeds are a great source of energy, and they decrease the risk of diseases related to weight gain and heart conditions. They contain omega fatty acids, which are vital for brain and body functioning.
3. Choose Grain Substitutes
Carb-heavy grains like traditional pasta and white bread rank high on the glycemic index. This means they contain a lot of sugar and cause spikes in your blood sugar levels after consuming them.
The amazing thing about living in the 21st century is that we have plenty of healthy and delicious substitutes for these grains. Natural Heaven pasta is made from hearts of palm. But what the heck are hearts of palm? They are the inner core of certain palm trees and are a fantastic low-carb, gluten-free alternative to traditional pasta. Hearts of palm pasta are not only nutritious but also a rich source of protein. What’s more? There are plenty of varieties to choose from: Natural Heaven Lasagna, Natural Heaven Angel Hair Pasta, Natural Heaven Spaghetti, and more!
4. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Did you know that you should have at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day?
Prepare fresh vegetables by steaming them to get the maximum nutrients. Eat fresh fruits instead of juicing them to reap their anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits. When you sit down to eat, prioritize your greens. This will leave you little appetite to load up on unhealthier foods.
5. Ditch the Chips
When you turn to the junk food aisle at the grocery store, look past the potato chips and stock up on popcorn instead.
Popcorn is a whole grain loaded with fiber. Buy raw corn kernels and pop them at home with a bit of olive oil and salt for a fantastic, filling, and super healthy snack!
6. Try Rice Substitutes
Rice is a beloved staple—it satiates us quickly and is incredibly delicious. However, white rice contains high amounts of carbohydrates from sugar and can spike your blood sugar levels. It also makes you drowsy and lethargic.
Go for substitutes like Natural Heaven rice, which are made of hearts of palm. What are hearts of palm, and why are they great for low-carb diets? They are packed with fiber and essential nutrients while being naturally low in carbs. At Natural Heaven, each grain is polished to perfection. You get the satisfaction and taste of rice without the guilt!
By incorporating hearts of palm into your diet, you’re not just making a healthier choice you’re also enjoying delicious meals without sacrificing taste.