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How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days

How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days

We all celebrate the new year with the same motto: “New year, new me!” But did you know that it’s more than just a saying?

Each year, you really do become a brand new person. In 365 days, over 90% of your body’s cells are replaced with new ones. In fact, billions of cells are replaced every single day!

This means that if you take good care of your body, you can reap the benefits and build an entirely new you within the next year!

Does that sound too good to be true? Let’s look at how the body rebuilds itself:


How Does The Body Rebuild Itself?

Many people believe that your body replaces itself in its entirety every seven years. This is a popular misconception, as the body cannot completely replace itself. Most of the brain, tooth enamel, and eye lenses last throughout human life without any changes.

However, it is possible to rebuild certain organs after trauma or injuries. And, of course, people can also make their bodies healthier than they are, with the right lifestyle changes.

Here are how different organs change and regenerate:


Though brain cells generally last an entire lifetime, neurogenesis occurs in certain areas, creating brand new neurons.

For decades, scientists believed that humans and other primates could not create new brain cells after their bodies had matured. However, recent studies have shown that humans still regenerate and produce neurons even after adulthood.


Human DNA undergoes significant damage and changes throughout a lifetime due to the free radicals in the environment. Fortunately, DNA repairs itself after a couple of months.

Eating antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, broccoli, and mushrooms can accelerate this rebuilding process.


The liver is a powerful organ known for its ability to repair itself—it can regrow within six weeks if a chunk of it is removed!

This “superpower” is crucial as the liver processes all the toxins in the body so it can remain healthy for a very long time.


Lungs constantly filter harmful chemicals and pollution with each breath, so their cells must maintain a quick turnover rate to keep up. The alveoli regenerate over the course of a year, while the cells on the lung’s surface rebuild themselves every two to three weeks.


The skin’s surface renews itself every month; most people have watched it happen firsthand. It is the body’s first line of defense, and thankfully, it can heal and generate brand new tissue very quickly.


Red blood cells have a lifespan of around four months, while white blood cells last for a year. To maintain circulation, the body constantly creates new blood cells.

Stomach Lining

The stomach lining is made up of epithelial cells that can regenerate within five days. In contrast, the cells that make up the rest of the stomach last for fifteen years or more.


Bone tissue replaces itself every three months; this is also the average rate of healing for broken bones.



The body’s cells and organs undergo massive changes throughout a lifetime. Making certain changes to your lifestyle and diet can boost change and growth to help you become healthier than you already are.

A great way to begin is to substitute certain unhealthy or processed ingredients with natural, healthier alternatives such as hearts of palm, gluten-free pasta, and keto recipes, all of which offer many health benefits.

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