Have you heard the art of eating right? Yes, eating healthy food is essential for some people, particularly those on a diet trying to lose weight. As a result, fasting is one of the most prevalent and popular techniques to keep your tummy light while also making you healthier than before. In this blog post, we'll look at the best meals to eat when intermittent fasting, but first, let's go through the basics of intermittent fasting.
What is intermittent fasting, and how can it help you to achieve your health goals?

Intermittent fasting is a popular diet plan involving alternating eating and fasting periods. Technically, persons who follow this fast will only eat for a brief period of time, and even then, the portion will be small. This sort of fasting is useful for people who want to reduce weight, increase their metabolism, and control their blood sugar levels. You can control your excess diet with intermittent fasting, which leads to a low-carb and healthy diet.
Foods to eat during intermittent fasting
Avacodo is an excellent source of fiber and healthy fats, which will help you keep your tummy fuller for longer. Including avocado as salads, spread, or side dishes are a great choice if you are on an intermittent fasting diet.
Brown Rice
You may have read somewhere that eating brown rice is not good for fasting. But that’s not true; you can consume the heart of palm brown rice, which is 100% free from cholesterol, sugar-free and gluten-free. This natural heaven rice can be your good carb diet when fasting intermittently. What are hearts of palm? They are a delicious and nutritious vegetable vegetable harvested from the inner core of palm trees, perfect for a low-carb diet.
Eating berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries will add energy to your body since they are high in fiber and low in calories. You can prepare multiple snacks and dishes from berries, such as berry smoothies, yogurt bowls, or more. Pair them with hearts of palm salad for a refreshing and healthy meal.
Eggs are a source of protein and magnesium, providing energy and power for an extended period. Preparing omelets, scrambled or boiled eggs is a great way to charge your body. Try adding hearts of palm slices to your omelets for extra fiber and nutrients.
What great way to complete your diet other than chicken pieces? Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein, which can offer energy for the full day if consumed in the early hours. Since it is low in calories and has good fat, you can include this food if you are a non-vegetarian. Serve it with hearts of palm pasta as a low-carb alternative to traditional pasta dishes.
Loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and proteins, legumes are one of the best and most highly consumed food during intermittent fasting. Be it salad, soup, or curry, consuming legumes will keep you fuller and energized during fasting. Adding hearts of palm to your legume-based dishes can enhance texture and nutrition.
Leafy Greens
Feels right, and Eat light! Leafy greens vegetables such as spinach, kale, and mustard greens are high in the source of minerals, zinc and vitamins. These healthy foods are not just good for maintaining weight but also good for the heart and eyes. Mixing hearts of palm with leafy greens makes for a delicious and nutrient-packed salad.
Fish can is a great source of omega-3 fats and protein, which helps in boosting immunity and reducing cellular inflammation. You can include fish in your intermittent diet since it tastes great and has numerous advantages. Pair it with hearts of palm rice for a balanced and flavorful meal.
Nuts and Seeds
Include nuts and seeds in your intermittent fast diet since they can shed false hunger and keep you tight for the maximum period. Soaked almonds, raisins, and pumpkin seeds are a few nuts and seeds that you can incorporate into your diet.
Coconut Water
More than just consuming, eating right is required. Keeping yourself hydrated is also important. Coconut water is a rich source of iron, vitamins, and other nutrients. Intake enough coconut water during your diet for the best results.
Final Words

Exploring Hearts of Palm in Your Diet
What the heck are hearts of palm? If you’re looking for a nutritious and versatile food to add to your diet, hearts of palm is a great option. This vegetable, harvested from the inner core of palm trees, is low in calories and rich in fiber, making it a perfect addition to intermittent fasting meals. You can use it in salads, pasta alternatives, and even as a rice substitute. What are hearts of palm? They are a low-carb, gluten-free, and delicious option for healthy eaters.
Eating good food during intermittent fasting can help you achieve your health goal and keep you fit. As mentioned, the top 10 foods are a great choice for intermittent fasting since it covers most of the factors which need to be included. Additionally, if you want to start your diet journey with us, you can visit Natural Heaven for all the healthy food options.
Happy Reading!!
Healthy Eating!!