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What Are Hearts Of Palms Good For?

What Are Hearts Of Palms Good For?

Obtained from the core of a particular species of palms, hearts of palms are white vegetables, also known as palm cabbage, palm hearts, chonta, palmito, and wamp cabbage. If you've ever wondered, What the heck are hearts of palm? They thrive in tropical, humid climates like Costa Rica and the Amazon.

Often used in salads, hearts of palm are quite versatile and can be incorporated into many different dishes, mainly because they are so rich in much-needed vitamins and minerals. What are hearts of palm good for? Read on!

Let’s look at how healthy hearts of palm are and how you can integrate them into your diet.

What Are The Benefits of Hearts of Palm?

Eating hearts of palm on its own, in a salad, or even as a meat or pasta substitute can lead to the following health benefits:

Nutrient-Rich, Low-Fat Vegetable

Hearts of palm are a valuable source of protein, fiber, and many vitamins and minerals. These nutritious vegetables are also low in fats and sugars.

In addition to protein and fiber, they also contain iron, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc. This makes them a highly appealing vegetable for optimized health.

Body Tissue Repairs

Amino acids and proteins are the body’s building blocks. Hearts of palm contain 17 types of amino acids that are essential for helping the body repair tissue and maintain its overall strength.

Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

The potassium in hearts of the palm helps promote a healthy heart and improve the blood flow in the body.

Thus, it also helps manage blood pressure by reducing the side effects of sodium and easing tension in the walls of your blood vessels.

Reducing Morning Sickness

Pregnant women can really benefit from hearts of palm as they reduce nausea and vomiting during the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, which alleviates morning sickness when paired with doxylamine, which is an antihistamine.


Adding Hearts of Palm to Your Diet

If you’ve been wondering, what are hearts of palm used for in cooking? There are many ways to enjoy them! Integrating hearts of palm in salads is one of the most common ways to use these vegetables. You can also prepare keto recipes with the help of hearts of palm. You can even toss them in with your casserole or omelet!

Their mild flavor makes them an ideal meat substitute for vegans that lack protein in their diet. You can use hearts of palm as a substitute for tuna, scallops, lobster, and other types of meat.

If you enjoy eating pasta, you’ll be happy to know that hearts of palm pasta and hearts of palm noodles are incredibly healthy substitutes for flour-based pasta and noodles. This means that you can make your favorite low-carb recipes using hearts of palms, whether lasagna, traditional spaghetti, or any type of pasta!



High in antioxidants, loaded with minerals, and rich in vitamins and nutrients, hearts of palm are the perfect addition to your diet. They help with high blood pressure, weight reduction, heart, and generally keep the body healthy and functioning well. 

Now that you know what hearts of palm are and their benefits, it’s time to add them to your meals. You can even toss them on your Natural Heaven Pasta dishes for the perfect combination of healthy and delicious!

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