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Hearts of Palm Spaghetti in Creamy Mac & Cheese Sauce

Hearts of Palm Spaghetti in Creamy Mac & Cheese Sauce

Mac and cheese, better than before – appetizing and delicious, you need to give it a try!

About the Recipe:

Mac & Cheese has always been the recipe of childhood for everyone. Reminiscing the times when little we would sit up in grandma’s kitchen while she made our favorite mac and cheese – since then it has a nostalgic element attached to it. From bland, creamy mac and cheese a little spicy yet cheesy mac and cheese is what we are making today. Get your apron tight and let’s get cooking!

Here is what you need: 

  • Three cups Natural Heaven Angel Hair
  • Eight tablespoons unsalted butter
  • One cup milk
  • Two tablespoons powdered cheddar cheese

What you need to do:

Step # 1: Start off the process by rinsing the Natural Heaven Angel Hair. Wash them properly. Now drain off any extra water.

Step # 2: Now take a pan and add in butter, milk and cheddar cheese. Mix well and let it cook. Simmer for a while till the sauce becomes thick and dense. 

Step # 3: Add Hearts of Palm Natural Heaven Angel Hair and let it cook well. Cook for two more minutes on low heat. And it’s ready!

Chef’s Tip of the Day: Comfort dish for many till date – mac and cheese has always been a must in the weekly menu at our house. What about you? You can always make it delicious by adding steamed broccoli sides or baked potato – trust me on this, it really levels up the game. Finish off with herbs and garnish with your favorite seeds.

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Super easy to cook and store

We think you'll love to hear that our food collection is shelf-stable, so there's no need for refrigeration during storage. Once opened, it stays fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Besides, it pairs really well with classic sautéed seasonings and wonderfully absorbs the flavors of the sauce.

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