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Noodle Soup with Chicken & Mushroom

Noodle Soup with Chicken & Mushroom

This noodle soup is the perfect thing to boost your when you’re sick - packed full of wonderful vitamins and minerals, the chicken, mushrooms, and spectacular hearts of palm noodles will be a great way to cut down on carbs while also getting the restorative benefits of the other ingredients.

To boost this recipe a little, we might suggest adding a few dried chili flakes to the broth as it cooks. This will bring some heat to the recipe, and offer you a wonderfully punchy flavor that’s hard to say no to.


If you wanted to boost your kitchen skills in a more general way while also creating less waste for the planet, you could consider making your own chicken stock for use in this recipe. Chicken stock is made by simply placing roasted bones and meat into a large pot, along with a few offcuts of veg, and adding a large volume of cold water. From that point, it’s left on a bare simmer overnight, and the final pot is full of flavorsome and healthy stock.

The main benefit of cooking in this way is that you can avoid adding any nasty additives to your stock, as you might find in stock cubes or something similar.

The only thing to bear in mind when making stock is that you should never add potatoes or potato peelings. They will leach start into the water, leading to a poor stock.


  • 3 cups Natural Heaven spaghetti or angel hair pasta
    • We would suggest using the Angel Hair, as it’s a little finer, so works better for noodles.
  • 1 small carrot, shredded
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 2 cups of chicken, diced
  • 1 cup of mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 tbsp parsley, chopped
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. First things first, let’s prep the protein and veggies that are being used in this recipe. For the carrot and the mushrooms, simply place them on your board and grate or chop them. The best way to chop a mushroom is to turn it upside down so that the top of the mushroom serves as a relatively flat base. Therefore, you can cut it without worrying about it getting away from you.
  2. The great thing about this soup recipe is that everything cooks in the broth, really easily. Therefore, get the broth into a high-sided pot on the stove, and bring it to a low simmer. Add all of the other ingredients, along with some salt and pepper to season things a little.
  3. Allow the mixture to simmer for fifteen minutes, at which point everything in the pot should be fully cooked! We would always suggest taking out a piece of chicken and slicing it in half to see if it’s cooked through, though - this is vital to avoiding food poisoning.
  4. When the chicken is fully cooked, add the parsley to the bowl, and serve! You can either place it on top or stir it into the rest of the soup easily.


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