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Low Carb Creamy Shrimp Pasta

Low Carb Creamy Shrimp Pasta

Easy to make, appetizing to eat, and not too heavy on the pocket – this keto recipe is a must-try!

Pastas are an all-time favorite for all of us, isn’t it? Oh yes, it is! But out of all, this Creamy Shrimp Pasta is the best low-carb recipe ever. Brace yourself for the easiest, most appetizing, and the freshest yet the most tender shrimp pasta. Have a look, try it yourself, and we promise you that this will be your go-to every time. Oh, and the best part is, this is the lowest complexity dish with minimal ingredients.

It's time you put on the chef hat and tie the apron tight; this will be an experience!

Here’s what you need:

  • One tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • ½ Cup of Fresh Shrimps
  • Two tablespoons of Basil
  • Two tablespoons of Garlic
  • Two to three tablespoons of Chive Cream Cheese
  • One package of Natural Heaven Angel Hair 
  • Handful of Spinach
  • 1/3 cup of milk
  • ½ cup Grated Parmesan
  • Salt and Pepper – to taste


Here’s how to go about it:

1 - Start off by prepping one medium saucepan with olive oil and heat it on medium heat.

2 - Now add in shrimps to the heated oil pan and sprinkle with just enough basil, garlic salt, & pepper to cover the top of the shrimp.

3 - Stir &; sauté shrimp until it begins to brown. Add in Chive Cream Cheese and add about 1/3 cup of DF milk. Stir until combined.

4 - Mix in 1 package of Natural Heaven Hearts of Palm Angel Hair Pasta and toss in a handful of fresh spinach. Simmer on low until spinach is wilted & easily stirred.

5 - Serve & top with nutritional yeast or grated parmesan. And it’s all ready to serve.


Chef’s Tip of the Day: To make it more appetizing and delicious, add more basil, garlic, and salt & pepper to taste. Also, to make it more flavorful, add in cream cheese – it enhances creaminess. It would also be great with grape tomatoes - simply add these in with the shrimp & adjust spices accordingly.


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Super easy to cook and store

We think you'll love to hear that our food collection is shelf-stable, so there's no need for refrigeration during storage. Once opened, it stays fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Besides, it pairs really well with classic sautéed seasonings and wonderfully absorbs the flavors of the sauce.

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