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For Kids

At Natural Heaven, we are committed to providing healthy meals that are not only nutritious but also delicious, ensuring that you don't have to compromise on taste. Our meal plans for kids are ideal for children who prioritize health but may also be conscious of their gluten intake and carbohydrate consumption. We offer wholesome alternatives that cater to their dietary needs without sacrificing flavor. With our innovative pasta and rice alternatives, kids can enjoy their favorite meals while maintaining a balanced diet.

About Our Meal Plans For Kids

About Our Meal Plans For Kids

Our meal plans for kids prioritize variety and excitement, ensuring each meal is both nutritious and enjoyable. Natural Heaven offers pasta and rice alternatives perfect for creating delicious combinations that kids love. We make sure to include familiar items in every meal to make it easier for kids to enjoy. For example, on day one, consider pairing Natural Heaven pasta with tomato sauce and veggie skewers for lunch, followed by grilled chicken breasts with Natural Heaven rice for dinner, providing essential nutrients while ensuring each meal is enjoyable.
Midweek, try a chicken salad paired with pasta for lunch, and on Sundays, indulge in a steak and Natural Heaven rice combination with onion rings and garlic sauce for a flavorful treat. Alternatively, opt for grilled fish with Natural Heaven rice—a healthy option that doesn't compromise taste or dietary goals. Our meal plans are designed to keep kids excited about eating nutritious meals every day.

Benefits of Healthy Meal Plans For kids

Ensuring that your children eat healthy meals is a necessary first step in getting them the nutrients and energy that they need.

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Ensuring that your children consume healthy meals is crucial for providing them with the necessary nutrients and energy for growth and development.

Immune System Support

Healthy meal plans contribute to a robust immune system, helping children fend off diseases and maintain optimal health.

Sustained Energy Levels

Kids expend a lot of energy during play, and healthy meal plans ensure they have the energy required for various activities.

Improved Concentration

Nutritious meals support mental stamina, enabling children to concentrate better in class and perform well academically.

Reduced Junk Food Consumption

Healthy eating habits decrease the likelihood of indulging in junk food or sugary beverages, promoting overall health and well-being.

Prevention of Obesity

By avoiding unhealthy foods, children can reduce their risk of obesity and associated lifelong health issues.

Why Choose Natural Heaven?

Why Choose Natural Heaven?

At Natural Heaven, we are concerned about sustainability. This is why our heart-of-palm ingredients meet stringent sustainability standards, both in how they are grown and harvested. You can enjoy our food with the complete peace of mind that we have put extensive research into ensuring that all our food is safe and nutritious. For people with diabetes or gluten allergies, our pasta, and rice alternatives are a godsend, as they mean you can still enjoy the meals you love without affecting your health condition

If you have inquiries about our healthy meal plans, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at

See This Week’s Mediterranean Meals