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3 Signs You’re Out of Ketosis

3 Signs You’re Out of Ketosis

The keto diet isn’t easy. On the contrary, it’s one of the most challenging weight-loss diets because of the need to eliminate carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and sugars from your daily diet. While this isn’t uncommon when it comes to weight loss, it can be hard if you aren’t used to such restrictions. However, incorporating nutrient-dense foods like hearts of palm can help make the transition smoother.

The biggest goal of the keto diet is to reach a state of ketosis. This happens naturally when you’re adjusting to your new keto diet and can also happen if you stop eating keto and start eating normally again.

In this article, we’ll help you better understand what ketosis is then outline 3 signs to help you know when you’re out of ketosis and how to deal with them.


What Is Ketosis?

The keto diet mainly relies on reaching the state of ketosis. Ketosis happens when your body runs out of carbohydrates and starts to burn fat instead, thus inducing weight loss. As your body reaches this state, your body will start producing ketones which it will use as an energy source.

To successfully lose weight with the keto diet, you need to transition into a state of ketosis. The same happens if you suddenly stop your keto diet and resume a regular diet. Transitioning into or out of ketosis doesn’t happen instantly and it isn’t always easy. The change can take between three to six weeks as your body adjusts.

How do you know when you’re out of ketosis? Here are three signs:


Sign #1: Your Sugar Cravings Return

If you’re used to consuming a high-sugar diet, you might experience sugar cravings after adopting a keto diet. Should you experience this, don’t worry. The keto diet relies on quality proteins, good fat, and low-carb fiber to maintain your blood sugar levels and you’ll eventually get your cravings under control. One great way to curb cravings is by including nutritious low-carb foods such as hearts of palm, which can be used in various keto-friendly recipes.


Sign #2: You Feel Hungry More Frequently 

This is a common discomfort for many dieters who are adjusting to new ways of eating. If you start feeling hungry, you can treat yourself to a snack as long as it follows the requirements of the keto lifestyle. Look for foods that you can still enjoy under the diet and experiment with keto versions of your favorite comfort food. Some food options you can consider are low-carb pasta like palm pasta which is made with hearts of palm. What are hearts of palm? They are a delicious, nutrient-rich vegetable that fits well into a keto diet, providing essential fiber while keeping carbs low.


Sign #3: Brain Fog and Fatigue

The brain fog and fatigue during the first days of a keto diet is also called keto flu. If you’re finding it hard to focus on things, take plenty of fluids that contain electrolytes, potassium, and sodium to combat the symptoms.

This is a natural occurrence when your body is transitioning to ketosis. It will go away on its own once your body has fully adapted to your new diet and you’re well hydrated. Adding nutrient-dense foods like hearts of palm to your meals can help provide essential vitamins and minerals to ease the transition.


Listen To Your Body

Adopting a keto diet can take a period of adjustment, particularly if it’s your first time. By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll have a greater awareness of what’s happening to your body and will be better prepared to deal with what you’re experiencing.

Listen to your body and take the steps we mentioned here if you start experiencing sugar cravings, increased hunger, and brain fog.

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