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Hearts of Palm Spaghetti Carbonara

Hearts of Palm Spaghetti Carbonara


20 min prep and cook time

Serves: 4


You need the following:
3 cups Natural Heaven Spaghetti Cut Hearts of Palm 
1 tsp olive oil
1 cup diced pancetta
1 cup water
4 eggs yolks
2 tbsp pecorino cheese
Salt and pepper (to taste)

What Are Hearts of Palm?

Before we dive into this delicious recipe, let's talk about hearts of palm. If you've ever wondered, what the heck are hearts of palm? They are a tender, nutritious vegetable harvested from the inner core of certain palm trees. Not only are they packed with fiber and low in carbs, but they also make an excellent pasta alternative, like in this hearts of palm spaghetti dish!

Getting down to business:
Rinse and drain the Natural Heaven Spaghetti Cut Hearts of Palm 
Sear the diced pancetta with olive oil until they are golden.
Add water, three egg yolks, and hearts of palm spaghetti.
Stir until blended.
Serve with the pecorino cheese.
Add salt and pepper (to taste).

This recipe is a simple yet delicious way to enjoy hearts of palm, whether you're new to them or already love their unique texture and flavor.

Find this recipe and many more in our Hearts of Palm Introducing the New Way To Cook” Cookbook by Chef Nicola Carro

Previous article Hearts of Palm Rice Pudding (Arroz con leche)
Next article 13 Easy & Delicious Low Carb Breakfast Recipes

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We think you'll love to hear that our food collection is shelf-stable, so there's no need for refrigeration during storage. Once opened, it stays fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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