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Hearts of palm Crispy fries

Hearts of palm Crispy fries


35 Minute prep & cook time

Serves: 2

  1. Rinse and drain the Natural Heaven Spaghetti Cut Hearts of Palm
  2. Sear the diced pancetta with olive oil until they are golden.
  3. Add water, three egg yolks, and hearts of palm spaghetti.
  4. Stir until blended.
  5. Serve with the pecorino cheese.
  6. Add salt and pepper (to taste).

Super easy to cook and store

We think you'll love to hear that our food collection is shelf-stable, so there's no need for refrigeration during storage. Once opened, it stays fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Besides, it pairs really well with classic sautéed seasonings and wonderfully absorbs the flavors of the sauce.

You name a reason, we got plenty
